Kyle Martin And Jacobson Steven

Kyle Martin was wondering if his relationship with Jacobson Steven was going anywhere but then he remembered how his kisses and love making felt like then let that pass.  Jacobson Steven was getting ready to meet Kyle Martin's parents as Kyle Martin was getting ready for the night of introducing his parents to his boyfriend Jacobson Steven.
When they arrived at Kyle's parents house his parents had just gotten done cooking the supper that both Kyle and Jacobson would love.
Kyle Martin said," Yum, Jacobson can you smell the good food we are going to eat? It's something that you and I can both like." Jacobson Steven replied," it smells wonderful Kyle. I hope they like me." Kyle Martin reassured him that Alan and Rachel Martin absolutely do.
Alan made most of the conversation while Rachel was talking to Jacobson about how Kyle Martin would talk about one day making Jacobson's TARDIS a happier place with Kyle Martin himself as Jacobson Steven's partner. 
Alan Martin then turned his attention to Jacobson Steven and began talking about how much his son Kyle Martin admired The Time Lord with Kyle Martin now a Time Lord he expressed gratitude to Jacobson Steven. Jacobson Steven after the meal was even more in love with his boyfriend.
Then it was Jacobson Steven's turn to introduce Him to his parents and pretty much almost the exact same thing happened the way it did at Kyle's parents house only with Kyle Martin as the subject of the conversation. Kyle Martin was talking to Henry Steven about just how much he loves Jacobson and how he hopes that their relationship goes even further. Carra Steven then talked to Kyle Martin about the doctor and Jacobson's relationship Kyle Martin getting a little jealous of that turned the conversation to Jacobson Steven and his adventures that made them fall in love deeper. Henry told Kyle Martin," Keep him happy." Kyle Martin replied," I will won't I Jacobson Steven?" Jacobson Steven replied," oh you keep me more than happy Kyle, you are my favorite partner." Kyle Martin smiled at this and gave him a smooch for the complement to which Henry and Carra Steven were excited for Jacobson he can finally move on from the loss of his doctor.


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